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Shows all settings of the current session.




show settings;

|name |value |default|level |description |type |
|compression |None |None |SESSION|Format compression, default value: None |String|
|empty_as_default |1 |1 |SESSION|Format empty_as_default, default value: 1 |UInt64|
|enable_async_insert |0 |0 |SESSION|Whether the client open async insert mode, default value: 0 |UInt64|
|enable_new_processor_framework|1 |1 |SESSION|Enable new processor framework if value != 0, default value: 1 |UInt64|
|enable_planner_v2 |0 |0 |SESSION|Enable planner v2 by setting this variable to 1, default value: 0 |UInt64|
|field_delimiter |, |, |SESSION|Format field delimiter, default value: , |String|
|flight_client_timeout |60 |60 |SESSION|Max duration the flight client request is allowed to take in seconds. By default, it is 60 seconds|UInt64|
|group_by_two_level_threshold |10000 |10000 |SESSION|The threshold of keys to open two-level aggregation, default value: 10000 |UInt64|
|max_block_size |10000 |10000 |SESSION|Maximum block size for reading |UInt64|
|max_threads |4 |16 |SESSION|The maximum number of threads to execute the request. By default, it is determined automatically. |UInt64|
|record_delimiter |||SESSION|Format record_delimiter, default value: ¶ |String|
|skip_header |0 |0 |SESSION|Whether to skip the input header, default value: 0 |UInt64|
|storage_read_buffer_size |1048576|1048576|SESSION|The size of buffer in bytes for buffered reader of dal. By default, it is 1MB. |UInt64|
|timezone |UTC |UTC |SESSION|Timezone, default value: UTC, |String|
|wait_for_async_insert |1 |1 |SESSION|Whether the client wait for the reply of async insert, default value: 1 |UInt64|
|wait_for_async_insert_timeout |100 |100 |SESSION|The timeout in seconds for waiting for processing of async insert, default value: 100 |UInt64|